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Tips for healthy hair

Tips for healthy hair

We all are more sensitive about our hair. Whether it is about girls or boys. All the people have lots of questions about hair. Some of us only think about topical treatment of our hair. But hair need nutritious diet to become healthy. Your nutrition should be proper. Lack of nutrition is the most common cause of hair problems nowadays.
Second inportant cause of hair problems is stress. Third cause is lack of care. Fourth cause is any pathological disease.
First & foremost is nutritious diet. Take a cup of milk twice a day. Your diet should contain pulses, cereals, green leafy vegetables, etc. If you are a non-vegetarian, then eggs, fish, chicken should be included in your diet. Because they contain proteinsSoyabeans are the richest source of proteins for vegetarians. Cereals, pulses also contains proteins. Green leafy vegetables contain iron, which prevent iron deficiency anemia. Vegetables also contain vitamins. Vitamin E, biotinare necessary for healthy hair. Nutscontain biotin.
You should eat one fruit everyday.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)improves iron absorption. Lemonscontain vitamin C. Calcium is also needed for healthy hair. Don’t eat unhealthy food like fast food e.g. pizza, burger, cheese which are responsible for health issues like obesity & are indirectly related to hair problems. Avoid alcohol. If you are alcohol addict, then please try to keep alcohol away from you.
Nowadays life is becoming stressful. Everybody has tensions, fears. Whether it is about career or studies, future etc. Stressful life is also the cause for hair loss & graying of hair. Stressful life is the cause for PCOD in some of the girls, which also includes Baldness (hair loss). Obesity is also the cause for insulin resistance, PCOD, Diabetes mellitus, which are indirectly responsible for hair problems. So we should prevent the risk factors causing these conditions. Some major infections also leads to hair problems. In that case, take proper treatment from doctor for cure of a disease. Complete the treatment.And then take the treatment for hair loss.
Then about some general day to day habits-
Massage your scalp with hair oil everyday at the time of sleep. It will improve the circulation & also prevent sleep disorders. Proper 8 hours sleep is needed. Sleep disorders can also leads to hair problems. If possible, don’t take pillow while sleeping. It will improve the circulation to hair. Don’t comb your hair more than 2 times a day. Take hair wash atleast 2 times a week. Girls, Cover your hair with scarf while going out, to protect from pollution.
These all things will prevent hair problems in future. Prevention is better than cure, so follow these things. Currently if you are suffering from any health problems, then consult your doctor & follow the instructions told by doctor. Complete your course of treatment, then only you will see results. If there are any doubts, questions, suggestions, please comment.
Thank you for reading. 


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