
Showing posts from December, 2017

Tips for healthy hair

Tips for healthy hair   Linked We all are more sensitive about our hair. Whether it is about girls or boys. All the people have lots of questions about hair. Some of us only think about topical treatment of our hair. But hair need nutritious diet to become healthy. Your nutrition should be proper.  Lack of nutrition  is the most common cause of hair problems nowadays. Second inportant cause of hair problems is  stress . Third cause is  lack of care.  Fourth cause is any  pathological disease. First & foremost is nutritious diet. Take a cup of  milk  twice a day. Your diet should contain  pulses, cereals, green leafy vegetables , etc. If you are a non-vegetarian, then  eggs, fish, chicken  should be included in your diet. Because they contain  proteins .  Soyabeans  are the richest source of proteins for vegetarians. Cereals, pulses also contains proteins. Green leafy vegetables contain  iron , which prevent iron deficiency anemia. Vegetables al


Hello people, I am Dr. Priti. Here I am starting with some health tips in our life. I am not talking only about the fitness. I am going to discuss about care of our body in each post. Like for example- hair care tips, etc. Please view my blog & if you like it then don’t forget to like. You can give me suggestions or you can ask me doubts or questions in comments. You can follow my blog. So here, I am starting with the topic ‘hair’ in my next blog. So keep waiting for my next blog. Thank you for reading.